
Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

I woke up with so many things on my mind today, things related to this blog and the reasons I started it, that I just had to share. 

On the food front, I am still very much guzzling the purple kool-aid of the organic “real food” movement.   There is a difference between organic and non-organic food, and I think it’s important to avoid chemicals, hormones and other awful things in food.   I think the thing that makes it hard for people to embrace the “bad food” idea is that nothing bad happens to you immediately when you eat bad food.  Any ill effects will be later in life, like cancers.  And since you can’t point to it and say “Oh, I got that pancreatic cancer from eating _______ for 10 years,” then it just goes on and on.   A friend of mine (to whom I’ve been talking about bad food for six months) said a couple of weeks ago (about some food evils), “This is really bad, these companies need to be held responsible, the government should be involved, people need to be told what’s going on!”  And then I told him, people ARE being told what’s going on.  But until having a healthy dinner becomes more important than getting to the kid’s soccer practice on time, no one will care.  And then he said “No, I mean they need to REALLY be told, it needs to be all over the evening news and in the papers.”  Well, guess what?  It is!   All of the bad meat stories, e-coli stories, food recalls, health issues, good documentaries, websites, groups — how many times and ways do people need to be told something before they HEAR the information?   So then we concluded it does come down to taking care of your own family and conscious purchases/lifestyle.  When enough people are doing that, then it becomes a real movement and creates real change.

So, I continue to beat my friends over the head on Facebook and Twitter, and use my dollars to vote at the checkout stand – my small way of trying to make change.  

A fun thing I’m getting to do this week is to revamp a friend’s pantry.  He’s finding it complicated to sort out his diet, and I’ve accepted the challenge.  So I first assessed what he normally buys for home, and I’m going to have him replace his unhealthy choices with healthy ones as he needs to restock.  I’m pretty excited about it for a couple of reasons:  I can blog about it and help others do the same thing with their food, and it helps me document exactly how I eat.  I’ll end up with a very good view of my exact food choices, something I’ve sort of internalized lately as it has become habit.

On the fitness front, I’ve joined a gym with a friend where I do stationary bike, rowing machine, a couple of arm machines, and a crunch machine that is KILLER.  It’s a pay-as-you-go place, perfect for me when I just don’t want to work out at home or outdoors.  I’m also still walking, my usual five mile walk a few times a week.  I bought a Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred dvd and it punishes me regularly.

I have also signed up for a couple of challenges through Twitter this month, both for dieting and losing weight, to try to keep on track for a month at a time.  Here’s what I’ve learned from that:  if I think someone else is making me do something, or even paying attention to my success at all, I won’t do it.  It’s a personal flaw, seems like.  So, while I have slowly lost a few pounds, and while I am weighing on the scale more often which I think is a good thing, I think I am more successful when left to self-monitor and not report to anyone. 

Which leads me to my next idea:  I think I am reverting to only fruits and vegetables for the next seven days.  Those of you paying any attention to me at all will remember I’ve done this before.  My reasons are 1) it’s easy to remember what to eat and grab whatever I want, whenever   2) I get plenty of nutrition, while eating no wasteful calories  3) I LOVE fruits and vegetables, and I care less for grains and nuts and legumes.  I have always been a bit of a hobbyist dieter, and evidently if I’m not manipulating, restricting, or otherwise jumping through some kind of food hoops, I’m not happy.  This will keep me entertained for a while, and I hopefully will see some quicker weight loss.  I only want to lose around 10 to 15 pounds, and you would think that would be the easiest thing in the world to do, but as I add muscle (just go along with it) my weight has reached a true plateau.  So seven days of fruits and veggies it is!

And lastly, please friends, do everything you can to be more GREEN.  Cut back on packaged products, try to use recyclable packaging, no plastic, and use responsible home and body cleansers.  Bicycle and walk places with your friends and families.  Buy local food to save on the transportation energy usage.  Read, read, read online about being green and really implement the things you read about.   The environment is not outside of us, it IS us. 

And now I bid you adieu – I’ll be back in two weeks to pick up my regular blogging schedule.  I hope you and yours are well.  Big hugs to you all!

(Forgive any typos or nonsense, I’m on an 8″ netbook in a very cold coffee shop. )

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I FORGOT TO POST MY list of walking music way back when (promises, promises).   So here it is, and you can tell I need to update the tunage a bit – I’ll get to that later – this is most of what I walk to these days:

Broken Bells:  The High Road, October, The Ghost Inside, Your Head is on Fire, Mongrel Heart

The Shins: So Says I, Kissing the Lipless, Saint Simon, On by One All Day, Girl on the Wing

Kasabian: Club Foot, Processed Beats, Reason is Treason, L.S.F., Cutt Off, Underdog, Vlad the Impaler, Fire

of Montreal:  Oslo in the Summertime

Blur:  Advert, Chemical World, Oily Water, Coping, When the Cows Come Home

Just a little bit of pop-ish happiness that keeps me boppin’ down the street.

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I have errands to run and since the weather is sooooo nice, I want to walk today.  That pilates circle is staring at me, too, so I guess I’ll do that routine after my walk.   And I am, once again, out of food.  Back to the grocery store I go.

This time I will be sure to get all the pricing for all those things organic.  Then I can really track my food spending for you.   OK, off to watch Dr. Oz – he has the most informative show!

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Last night I did the pilates fat burning workout for 40 minutes.  It’s a good workout — but not that interesting.  It’s very reminiscent of 1980’s aerobics moves, in fact they are the SAME moves, with very slight variations.  But that’s not the point, is it?  It burns calories and for that I am grateful.  After the dvd, I also did 10 minutes of jogging on my rebounder.

Today I’ll switch it up and do the pilates circle exercises then walk for forty minutes.  I’m seriously considering walking in the mall, after a friend suggested it yesterday.  I won’t show up there as a real mall walker in a dorky sweatsuit. (I am NOT a mall walker, I am NOT a mall walker.)   But I will show up as a shopper in walking shoes and just go around and around the mall.  Hmmmm . . .  anyway.   All those pretty things to look at . . . I can’t see the downside to it.   It’s just so cold here, in the thirties still.   I’ll have to arrange my route to avoid the aromas of the Mexican restaurant or those walking shoes might take me right inside to get a table.  This is one of those days when I woke up feeling full and I’ve only had liquids so far (juice and coffee) — not good.  I must make myself stick to my eating schedule.  I’m getting used to not being so full all the time, so feeling empty feels ok too.  But I know I need the nutrients and energy and really need to break this no eating habit.

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While my tea steeps, let me tell you about my plans for exercising.  I sat down and had a good look at my Windsor Pilates dvds last night.  They came with a book on how to use the various dvds to make workout plans.   One plan is the “Win-in-10 Maximum Body Sculpting,”  on a ten day schedule.  Two dvds are alternated:  the Accelerated Fat Burning Workout and the 20-Minute Circle Workout.   (For those of you out of the pilates loop, the “circle” is pictured below.)  The pilates dvds are paired with a period of walking each day.   On the days I do the fat burning workout, I only walk for 10 minutes, alternating days I will walk for 40 minutes.

Unlike some people, I don’t exercise in just any kind of weather.  So as long as it’s 25 degrees outdoors, I’ll be using my rebounder and jogging on it instead of walking.     Mmmm . . . I smell my cinnamon tea.

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I’ve been so caught up in the acts of blogging and networking, that my attempts at working out have been rather lame.  For instance, today I only jogged on my rebounder for 15 minutes and then did dumbbell exercises for 15 minutes.   I have no excuse (aside from the aforementioned time online).   Starting today, each night before I go to bed I have to say what exercise I did that day, even if it was none.   So tonight I hang my head in shame, as I log off and slink to my couch, thinking about how lazy I’ve been today.   But hey, I still have tomorrow to turn my life around, right?

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The Exercise TV website has 79 full-length free exercise videos.  Yep, that’s right.  I haven’t had a chance to look at any of them, I mean they are full length, but I will.  I was so excited, I just had to share. 

You can thank me later.

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I used these stretches after my run on the rebounder.   Before I did them I walked around the house a bit to lower my heart rate slowly.    Mama’s Health

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Fitness Supplies

I know exercise is a necessary evil and I am determined to conquer this beast.  To get all warm and fuzzy about it, I went around the house this morning and gathered up any exercise equipment or supplies I have.   I found fewer items than I expected to, because I’d forgotten about throwing out all the aerobics video tapes, and I guess I must have given away the huge gray five pound dumbbells when I bought the cute little orange ones.  There also appears to be a missing Pilates body band.  I have the packaging for it, but don’t recall owning it or ever using the thing, but I guess I must have.  (shrug)

So the current workout collection is as follows:  one rebounder, one floor mat, a set of five-pound dumbbells, a round metal thing with handles that must be for pilates, a series of pilates DVDs, and two wrist weights of unknown weight and origin.   I also have a folder of exercise articles that I have removed from magazines.   In the garage is my excellent and trusty hybrid bicycle.  I also have new running shoes, which I will use for walking.  And to keep me happy and distract me from the tedium of walking, my phone is loaded with great tunes.

We are still iced in here, day 5?  6?  It’s all fuzzy now — I hope we will see the sun soon.   Today I’ll do some warm up stretches, then jump around on my rebounder for at least 30 minutes in front of the TV.  I plan to follow that up with some more extensive stretching.   I should be able to stumble the 20 feet down the hall afterward (with those nice sturdy walls to support me) and let you know how I fared.

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